"After you miscarry, you're super fertile!"
"You can always try again."
"It only took me one month to get pregnant after my miscarriage."
Does anyone see the problem with this? I heard these alllllllllllllll the time. Of course, they were always said with the best intentions, but they started to create doubt in me. The next month after our miscarriage came and went with no pregnancy. Those people lied. I even started to think I deserved to be pregnant because I had gone through a miscarriage. Like God owed me. I chuckle now, but that was the truth.
Now, flashback to earlier postings....I NEVER wanted children naturally. Remember? It's amazing how God can turn hearts around to face Him :o) By now, I actually wanted a child- a little person who looked like Hubby and I smooshed together. They would be so cute (although I am a little biased)! I knew that I could handle pregnancy and delivery with little fear. I finally wanted the end result more than I feared the journey.
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