The Process: Some of our home study paperwork was misplaced and we have to mail some more forms which could put us behind a couple of weeks, but God knows what he's doing. We're looking at getting approved towards the end of July which gives us a little more time to raise the funds, but does put us behind a bit.
We attended our Pre-placement meeting this week in Indy and we learned a lot more about the details of what happens when we are matched with a family, including what happens in the hospital, and the finalization process. Again, it really showed us that we made the right choice of working with Bethany Christian.
Our family profile is coming along nicely and we were lucky enough to get some pictures with a professional photographer this week. Check them out, but we're keeping the best for later!

The Finances: We're working on getting some button orders completed, selling a few donated items, and we're hoping for a few more personal donations to get us closer to our goal of $8000. In the mean time we're praying that God move this giant mountain or at least show us He's chipping away at it.
We have started a "no spend month" to save some extra money in July. No clothes, entertainment, or iced coffee unless it's free. Our goal is to have some extra money at the end of the month to put in our jar. Yikes, but so worth it!
Grant writing is under way and man is it overwhelming! Each grant has different requirements and instructions, so we're taking our time. We need to raise as much money as we can through grants, so everything must be completed correctly.
The Prayers:
For our little one and their birth family to feel loved
For us to reach our goal of $8000 by the end of July
For our paperwork to go swiftly into the right hands