February 2012- our year of trying to build a family naturally had resulted in 2 miscarriages, but a closer marriage and stronger bond with the Lord. Lo, and behold some good news was on the way- a 3rd pregnancy!
How ironic that God would chose the last month of our year promise to create another little life. I took a couple of positive tests, made an emergency appointment (I was considered high risk because of the previous miscarriages) for the next morning, and Hubby and I enjoyed the moment (again).
Can you believe it, because we sure couldn't! We had become pregnant 3 times in 8 months.....yes, you can applaud :o) By the third time, we knew that God was in control and no matter what happened, we knew that He loved us.
But, saying that you love someone is a whole lot easier when everything is going well. Our faith was tested again when at the doctor's appointment, I was told that this one wasn't going to make it either. We were going to lose Baby #3 shortly.
I distinctly remember sitting alone in the doctor's office praying that God would be there in that room with me. My head couldn't form words and my heart didn't know what to pray for. I just wanted comfort. I wanted to know why our pregnancies weren't coming to term and I wanted someone to give me answers even if I didn't like them.
I want you to know that God does hear our prayers- every single one of them. He heard mine that day and answered them in the form of a compassionate doctor. She sat with me for 2 hours while I sifted through the past year's pain and joy and she gave me answers that I needed.
I walked out, pregnant with Baby #3, the knowledge that this child wouldn't be with us much longer, and a resounding peace that made everything okay.
We lost Baby #3 after 6 weeks.
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