Things we'd like to find out before Baby comes:
What goes in the diaper bag when you're headed to the hospital? We have no idea if they will be a boy or girl or even what size they will be in, but we know they shouldn't be naked!
What does the hospital provide? Diapers, blankets, pacifiers, formula?
We'd like to get a gift for our tummy mommy, but how do you say thank you to something this huge?
I've always thought about taking our little one to the chiropractor when they are born, but I need more info on that.
How to switch from formula to breast milk. Our little one will be blessed with donated breast milk, but I'm not sure how long that will take to set up.
Feeding/sleeping/play schedule when they finally come home. I've read books, but want to talk to more mammas to feel more comfortable.
What we do know is that Wal-Mart is just a short drive from any hospital in Indiana, so whatever we're missing they will probably have. If not, I'll get to try out my new "mom look". Also with any adoption everything is situational, so as we get further into the process and get matched, we'll have more of these questions answered.
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