Monday, June 11, 2012


Well hello there. Derek Smith here, your local wisecrackin soon to be daddy.

I'm here to let you know we paid a team of kitties, to code a highly complicated gadget for us to use on the blog. If you turn your attention to the left side of the page... now back here please. Thank you. As you saw we now have a PayPal DONATE button. It's very shiny and yellow, and if you stare at it long enough it becomes very tempting to push. Please stare at it for as long as you like. Because we need you to push it. We need your donations. 

We now have to start a separate blog and donation fund just to pay the kitties, who coded our donation button. We will be accepting crateloads of catnip and milk if you can spare it.

Please feel free to donate any amount to us at your convenience. You may even just pay us a dollar if you're feeling like a wiseguy.

I have nothing else of importance to say other than - please think of the kitties.


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