Yesterday we were blessed with the sweet gift of a crib. What I love about it is it has been used before. I love things with a history that can continue to be used to keep the story going and this story is very special to me.

A few years ago when I was working at church, I was having a particularly rough night feeling like I was trying to please others and not God. Nothing I was doing was right....and then, SHE came. She sat down next to me and said not to worry about it. If I felt like God was pleased, that was all that mattered. I could kiss this girl (but that would have been slightly weird because we had just met). It was an instant friendship and my life has never been the same.

It got even better when I met her wonderful kiddos, a curly headed 3 year old and a set of 1 year old twins. I got the chance to watch them on a regular basis and we had a blast over the years. We had our moments of course (I was outnumbered) but my heart melted when they called me Cursey and ran for hugs down the church hallway. Often, those hugs were a reminder of why I worked in Children's Ministry.

A few years later they've learned that my name is Crissy, they've moved up to big people beds, and no longer need their cribs. Which is how it came to live in our nursery. I love the fact that I watched those kiddos grow up in that crib and now I'll get to watch mine do the same.
Thank you for sharing not only your crib, but all the sweet memories that have prepared me for this day.
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